From April 1936 Popular Mechanics |
Belsaw Machinery Co. of Missouri was the first in a succession of related companies. Belsaw dates back to 1930, and possibly a bit earlier. It merged with Foley Manufacturing Co. to become Foley-Belsaw Co.in 1983, and subsequently split into Belsaw Co. and Foley-United sometime afterwards.
At one time, Belsaw was owned by DeVleig-Bullard, along with several other companies, including Powermatic Machine Co. and Performax Products Corp.. When DeVlieg-Bullard was forced to sell all its holdings, Belsaw, Powermatic and Performax were all purchased by WMH (Walter Meier Holding) Co. In the 1990s some Belsaw machines were sold under the Powermatic label.
Belsaw's products were marketed under the Belsaw name, and some were also sold through through Sears, Roebuck & Co. under the Craftsman name.
Belsaw Machinery Co. published a quarterly magazine called "Belsaw Bulletin."
Information Sources
- The U. S. Forest Products Laboratory published a booklet dated March 1936, Operating small sawmills, methods, bibliography, and sources of equipment by C. J. Telford. A table lists the makers of various types of equipment, including circular sawmills, band sawmills, edgers, and planers. This company was listed as a maker of circular sawmills and planers.
- 1937 Belsaw Machinery Co. sawmill catalog.
- The Belsaw trademark registration claims first use in 1938; the mark was last renewed in 1975 by Belsaw Machinery Co. Foley-Belsaw filed a trademark registration in 1983.
- An oldwwmachines posting by Bob Vaughan explains the relationship between Belsaw and Powermatic. We do not yet have a timeline for when the DeVlieg-Bullard and WMH ownership changes occurred.