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Manufacturers Index - James Murray
Last Modified: Jul 26 2020 9:46PM by Jeff_Joslin
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In the 1830s and '40s, James Murray manufactured small reciprocating sawmills and agricultural equipment. By 1847 Murray had been joined by Henry R. Hazlehurst and the partnership was Murray & Hazlehurst, operating the Vulcan Iron Works in Baltimore.

Murray & Hazlehurst were the sole manufacturers of Isaac Brown's patent combined steam engine and sawmill. These were manufactured well into the 1870s.

Information Sources

  • From web page on the Biloxi Lighthouse: "The United States De­part­ment of the Treasury let a con­tract, dated Oc­to­ber 15, 1847, to the Bal­ti­more foundry of Murray and Hazlehurst to build an iron light­house for $6,347.00."
  • Found in a web search: an 1857 text ad. "James Murray / Henry R. Hazlehurst / Murray & Hazlehurst, Civil and Mechanical Engineers, / Vulcan Works, Baltimore. / All descriptions of Railway, Steam Marine and other Heavy Machinery furnished to order. Special attention paid to Iron Bridges."
  • Wikipedia biography of Henry R. Hazlehurst.