This firm was in business in 1876, and probably earlier. The owner was Elmore W. Ross. In the early years the main products were band sawmills and stave machines. By 1884 the emphasis had shifted to feed cutters.
Late in 1890 or early the following year, the business relocated to Springfield, OH. It appears that he continued to make saws of some description, but ensilage and feed cutters were his main business. The latest solid data point we have on the business is from 1893.
Information Sources
- Listed in a work published by the United States Centennial Commission, Official Catalog of the 1876 International Exhibition, as a maker of "Iron framed foot jointer for barrel staves".
- Mentioned in October 1876 Manufacturer & Builder; their bandsaw with 9-inch blade was on exhibition at the Centennial Exhibition, "exhibited by C. Meiners, of Philadelphia."
- The "Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition Collection" of the American Antiquarian Society includes an advertisement from this firm: "Gridley's portable saw mill / stave machinery / Cummings feed cutter / Oot's churns / paper machinery"
- An 1882 bandsaw patent was granted to Elmore W. Ross of Fulton, and assigned to E. W. Ross Co.
- E. W. Ross Co. of Springfield, OH, 1893 price list: Ross cutter, carriers, horse powers, etc. Also, a 1912 billhead for the same firm.
- The DeGolyer Libarary at SMU lists the following catalog in its holdings: "The E. W. Ross Company. ROSS ENSILAGE CUTTERS, FODDER CUTTERS, FODDER SHREDDERS, FEED CUTTERS, HORSE POWERS, WOOD SAWS. (Springfield OH, circa 1900)., 24pp"