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Manufacturers Index - Dickey, Neill & Co., Soho Foundry

Dickey, Neill & Co., Soho Foundry
Toronto, ON, Canada
Manufacturer Class: Wood Working Machinery, Metal Working Machinery & Steam and Gas Engines

This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
410 May. 17, 1870 An improvement on machine for setting logs to the saw John Neil ON, Canada The 1871 Lovell's Newfoundland Directory carried a full-page text ad for Dickey, Neill & Co., Soho Foundry of Toronto. "Special attention given to the Construction and Equipment of Saw Mills, Both Gang and Circular, on the most Modern and Improved Styles. Steel Gates, Soho Friction Set Works for Circular Saw Mills, &c., (Patented May 17, 1870.) This is an invention intended to so move the Log towards the Saw as to secure a uniform thickness of Lumber, and this it dos with greater accuracy than any other known arrangement. It is very simple, and so constructed that it cannot wear nor break, and is the only perfect Set Motion ever invented."
498 Jul. 11, 1870 Improvements on turbine water wheel A. D. Cole ON, Canada Dickey, Neill & Co. had a full-page text ad in the 1871 Lovell's Newfoundland Directory, includind the following. "Sole Manufacturers of A. D. Cole's Samson Turbine Water Wheel (Patented July 12, 1870.) The Best Wheel manufactured on the Continent; will do more work, give more power and better satisfaction, with less water and expense, than any other Wheel, having beaten the Leffel Turbine 35 per cent on the premises of Tuttle, Date & Rodden, St. Catharines, Sept. 1, 1870, in a die by side trial, using only 550 inches of water while the Leffel used 743 inches. In consequence the Leffel wheel was ordered out and one of our Samson Turbines substituted."
1,185 Oct. 19, 1871 Machine for turning logs John Henry Swartwout ON, Canada
1,568 Jul. 19, 1872 Improvements in saw mills John Henry Swartwout ON, Canada The inventor was described as a "gentleman".
A full-page text ad in the 1871 Lovell's Newfoundland Directory from Dickey, Neill & Co., has the following. "Swartwout's Oscillating Gang. We would respectfully call the attention of all engaged in the manufacture of Lumber to this valuable improvement in Vertical Saw Hangings. By its peculiar construction the Saw, on its downward motion, strikes at the bottom of the log first and continues an even pressing cut until the pitman reaches the forward centre, when the lower end recedes and the top is carried forward by inclined Slides, thus producing an even Rotary Cut. This Gang will carry a heavier feed with less power than any Mill working upon straight lines, and will increase the capacity at least 25 per cent."
2,308 May. 01, 1873 Saw mill dog John Henry Swartwout ON, Canada This invention had earlier received U. S. patent 134,653.
    Saw mill dog Henry David Dann Oshkosh, WI