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Key to Links for Patent Information
USPTO = U.S. Patent Office .
Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but
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DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And
Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information
on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the
USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.
Oct. 08, 1872
Improvement in log-carriages for sawmills
Willard Lamb |
Green Bay, WI |
An 1875 ad from Willard Lamb shows this invention. "Foundrymen and saw mill machinists are requested to apply to me for manufacturers' licenses and terms of royalty." There is a list of 15 references, which we assume were users of the invention. Follow the link provided to Wm. H. Hiner & Co. and then look at the "Images" tab on that page to view the ad. One of the companies listed in the ad is E. P. Allis & Co., and an ad from that firm in the same book as the Lamb ad includes this text: "We make Willard Lamb's patent wire rope carriage movement that dispenses entirely with the cog gear. The Saw Carriage is much lighter and can be handled much more rapidly and at a much less expense than the old movements." |
Apr. 14, 1874
Improvement in gang-saw mills
George W. Nichols |
Clinton, IA |