In the late 1800s until the early 1900s, this firm made electric motors in size up to about 3.5 horsepower.
Advertisement from the 1901-06-29 "Electrical World and Engineer"
Information Sources
- The 1901-01-26 Electrical World and Engineer had this news item.
The Browning Manufacturing Company, of Milwaukee, had an unusually attractive exhibit of motors, ranging in size from 1-12 hp to 3½ hp. This concern is rapidly coming to the front as a manufacturer of strictly high-grade direct-current motors, and also makes a specialty of slow-speed motors, for special purposes, and its output is in general demand. The finish of its product is very artistic, and nothing but the best of material and workmanship enter into its construction. The exhibit was in charge of its president, Mr. Howard L. Browning, assisted by its secretary and treasurer, Mr. William Stark Smith.
- The February 1901 American Electrician carried this paragraph in an article about the exhibits at the Northwestern Convention.
The Browning Manufacturing Company, of Milwaukee, had one of the most interesting and complete exhibits at the Convention. Wires were run into its room and motors connected up in order to demonstrate to visitors the smooth and noiseless operation of the machines, ranging from small dental motors to 3½ h.p. motors.
- The 1901-04-20 Electrical World and Engineer had this item.
Milwaukee, Wis.—The Browning Manufacturing Company is now turning out its small power motors from the new plant. The new shop is modern by equipment in every respect. The company is crowded with orders, and has several orders booked for foreign shipment.
- The 1901-06-22 Electrical World and Engineer had this item.
The Western Electrical Supply Company, St. Louis, Mo., has recently taken the exclusive territorial agency for the Browning spherical steel-clad motors and dynamos. These machines are made in sizes of from 1/5 to 3½-hp and \frac13; to 2½-kw. The motors were designed to be used where a high grade, strong and compact machine was necessary, and are especially adapted for all small power work, for manufacturers, jewelers, hotels, clubs and restaurants, or for small private lighting plants. Catalogues are to be had on application.
- The 1903-01-10 Electrical World and Engineer has the following news item.
THE BROWNING MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wis., announce that it has established agents throughout the country to handle its motors. In the East it will be represented by the D'Olier Engineering Company, of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore; the Western Electrical Supply Company, St. Louis, will represent it in the Southwest, and the Goudey-McLean Company, New York, will represent its foreign department. The selling arrangement which formerly existed with the Milwaukee Electric Company has been discontinued. The Browning motors have become widely known throughout the country and are in excellent demand.
- The August 1903 American Electrician carried this paragraph in an article about the exhibits at the National Electrical Contractors Association Convention.
Browning Manufacturing Company, of Milwaukee, showed a line of dynamos and motors. They were well advocated by S. A. Bean, of the head office, and H. B. Wilkins.