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Manufacturers Index - Gould Balance Valve Co.
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
912,372 Feb. 16, 1909 Balanced Slide Valve William F. Gould Des Moines, Polk County, IA Abstract:
Steam pressure is so counterbalanced as to permit the slide valve to operate with a minimum of. friction and wear. A further object is to provide a valve of this class in which the parts may be so adjusted as to cause the steam to exert a slight pressure on the valve tending to hold it to its seat to thereby prevent leakage of steam between the valve and seat in case the valve seat should be worn or uneven. A further object is to provide a valve of this class with means whereby communication may be provided between both the cylinder induction ports and the exhaust port at the same time, so that if water of condensation has accumulated in the cylinder, the engine may be operated to discharge same.
The combination with a cylinder having exhaust and inlet ports and a raised working face adjacent thereto provided with notches 1n its end portions and a slide valve formed with a passageway designed in one position to communicate between the notches at one side of the valve and the steam inlet with a passageway communicating between the said steam chamber and the lower face of the valve, said passageway designed to rest on top of the working face of the valve seat out of communication with said notches when the valve is in position with said passageway in transverse alinement with said notches.
992,349 May. 16, 1911 Balanced Slide-Valve William F. Gould Des Moines, Polk County, IA Abstract:
The object of my invention is to provide a balanced slide valve of simple, durable and inexpensive construction in which the valve cover may be quickly and easily adjusted to limit its movement and in which the valve may be arranged to be balanced in such manner as to operate with a minimum of friction and wear or which may be easily and quickly adjusted to be pressed against the valve seat by steam pressure as required to produce a steam tight connection, in cases where the valve seat is worn or uneven.
The combination of a slide valve, three packing strips projecting from one end of the slide valve, said strips forming the sides of a steam chamber, the central strip being detachable so that the said chamber will have a minimum width between the inner and central strips when the central strip is in position and a greater width between the outer and inner strips when the central strip is detached, a cover forming part of said steam chambers, said valve formed with a passageway communicating between the inner and middle strips and having its lower end inclined toward the adjacent end of the valve to communicate with a steam inlet port of a cylinder when the valve is in position with the chamber between the middle and inner strips out of line with said inlet port, of a cylinder.
992,350 May. 16, 1911 Balanced Valve William F. Gould Des Moines, Polk County, IA Abstract:
In many of the slide valves used in steam engines, the valve seat on the cylinder is raised and the valve travels beyond the end of the valve seat, thus permitting the steam in the steam chest to press outwardly from the cylinder on the portion of the valve that projects over the valve seat, thus necessitating the application of a corresponding steam pressure on the outer surface of the valve in order to balance the valve.
The combination of an engine cylinder having induction and exhaust ports, a steam chest, a valve cover, a valve under said cover, steam chambers formed on the end portions of the outer face of the valve, said engine cylinder provided with passageways extending from the sides of the induction ports outwardly and to the valve seat to provide communication between the induction ports of the cylinder and the said steam chambers when the steam chambers are adjacent to the induction ports.
1,014,591 Jan. 09, 1912 Balanced Valve William F. Gould Des Moines, Polk County, IA Abstract:
My invention relates to that class of balanced valves in which there is a valve seat having two induction ports and an exhaust port between them, a slide valve having two end portions and open at its central portion. a valve cover, and a steam chest. It is well known that in valves of this kind, the valve cover within the steam chest prevents the steam pressure within the chest from pressing the valve toward its seat and, hence, the cover itself would approximately balance the valve except for the pressure outwardly upon the valve through the induction ports.
The combination of a valve, a valve cover, a packing bar between the valve and cover, means whereby pressure is applied to the packing bar to hold it toward one of said parts, the side of the packing bar opposite to the side to which said pressure is 10a applied having a raised, longitudinal, central portion.
1,014,592 Jan. 09, 1912 Balanced Valve William F. Gould Des Moines, Polk County, IA Abstract:

The object of my invention is to provide a valve of the class known as slide valves, with means whereby the valve will be yieldingly held by steam pressure from the steam chest against the valve seat at such times during the stroke of the valve as there is an outward pressure upon the inner surface of the valve caused by the induction port pressure of the engine.
The combination of a steam chest, a valve seat having induction ports, a slide valve on the valve seat, a steam chamber formed on the outer surface of the slide valve and closed from communication with induction ports at all positions of the slide valve, a valve cover within the steam chest being provided with a 'passageway designed to admit steam from the steam chest into said steam chamber during a portion of the valve stroke.