By 1866 W. N. Nicholson was operating the Trent Ironworksin Newark, Nottinghamshire, England. By 1885 the name had become W. N. Nicholson & Son. Under both names they manufactured steam engines, agricultural machinery, and food mills of various kinds.
Information Sources
- Farmer’s Magazine Jul 1875 pgs 34-39
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1885, pg.449, courtesy of Grace’s Guide..
The Trent Ironworks—These works, belonging to Messrs. W. N. Nicholson and Son, have on one side the Midland Railway station, with sidings into the works; and on the other the Trent navigation, giving direct communication to the midland manufacturing and coal districts, and to the ports of Hull, Goole, and Grimsby. Two departments of manufacture are carried on. The general engineering part is devoted to vertical, portable, and fixed steam engines, with a rather extensive boiler department; and to bone mills, rice shellers, and other heavy and light machinery for home, foreign, and colonial use. The implement shops are devoted to the manufacture of a great variety of agricultural machines; and are arranged to take up the consecutive work of each season as it comes round:- harrows, cultivators, clod-crushers, rollers, and field implements in the spring; horse rakes and hay-makers in the summer; grinding mills and barn machinery in the autumn; and root-cutters and other food-preparing machines in the winter.