Manufacturers Index - Triumph Compound Engine Co.
Triumph Compound Engine Co.
Cincinnati, OH, U.S.A.
Manufacturer Class:
Steam and Gas Engines
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.
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Apr. 06, 1886
Single Acting Compound Engine
John H. Eickershoff |
Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH |
Patented in Canada, patent #23845.
My invention relates to single-acting steam engines, its object being to introduce and continue therewith the principle and advantages of compounding the steam; to which end my invention may be said to consist in a single-acting compound engine constructed as hereinafter more fully set forth, and in certain de- r5 tails of construction involved therein, but susceptible of independent application and usefulness.
In a single-acting steam-engine, two or more cylinders, each having two diameters, with corresponding double pistons, and provided with ports p', p', and p3, the intermediate port, p'2, of each cylinder being interconnected directly and without the intervention of a receiver or valves with the adjacent cylinder, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. In a single-acting compound engine, two or more continuous cylinders, each of two diameters, with suitable port-connections for admitting live steam into the smaller or high-pressure end, and for exhausting the spent steam ultimately from the larger or expansion end, in combination with a piston in the larger end extended as a close-fitting plunger acting as a piston into the smaller end, and an intermediate governed by said piston as a valve for permitting the expansion of the liv e steam after a partial stroke of the piston into an adjoining cylinder. |
Apr. 17, 1886
Single Acting Compound Steam Engine
John H. Eickershoff |
Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH |
Patented in the United States, Patent #339,280. |
Jul. 16, 1889
Single Acting Compound Engine
John H. Eickershoff |
Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH |
Dec. 02, 1890
Compound Engine
John H. Eickershoff |
Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH |
Mar. 03, 1891
Compound Steam Engine
John H. Eickershoff |
Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH |