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Manufacturers Index - Ezra Caswell
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
42,075 Mar. 29, 1864 Improvement in machines for boring wagon-hubs Ezra Caswell Newport, MI
75,519 Mar. 17, 1868 Bed-Bottom Ezra Caswell Lyons, Wayne County, NY
92,701 Jul. 20, 1869 Butter Tub Ezra Caswell Lyons, Wayne County, NY
120,035 Oct. 17, 1871 Improvement in Wagon Seat Fastenings Ezra Caswell Lyons, Wayne County, NY
3,753 Aug. 13, 1874 Hub-boring machine Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY Patent images are not available online.
4,253 Jan. 14, 1875 Hub boring machine Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY Patent images are not available online.
    Hub boring machine Levi Whitlock Lyons, NY  
    Hub boring machine Scott Samuel Lyons, NY  
4,828 Jun. 09, 1875 Clamping attachment for vises Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY The drawings and specification for this patent are not available online; the image shown is taken from the August 1875 issue of "The Canadian Patent Office Record". The image makes clear that this Canadian patent is equivalent to U.S. patent 170,344.
170,344 Nov. 23, 1875 Bench Vise Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY
194,290 Aug. 21, 1877 Improvement in hub-borers Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY
11,221 May. 07, 1880 Improvements on hub borers Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY Patent images are not available online.
14,275 Feb. 27, 1882 Improvements on hub borers and box setters Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY Patent images are not available online.
282,495 Aug. 07, 1883 Hub Boring Machine Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY
20,743 Dec. 15, 1884 Hub borer Ezra Caswell Lyons, NY Patent images are not available online.