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Manufacturers Index - Uri Emmons
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
X5,467 Apr. 25, 1829 Machine for planing, grooving, and tonguing Uri Emmons New York, NY This patent was issued just a few months after Woodworth's infamous patent 5,315. The specification pages are missing, but according to John Richards' 1872 book, "A Treatise on the Construction and Operation of Wood-Working Machines", this planer patent is the first mentioning feed rolls. (In England in 1811, Charles Hammond patented the feed roll, but little or no use was made of the idea at the time.) The feed roll was an important innovation because it did away with the need for a moving carriage and a frame to support it, making planing machines cheaper and much more compact. Furthermore, without the inertia of that carriage to deal with, roll-feed planers would ultimately be able to work much more quickly than carriage-fed planers.
Emmons' patent specifically references Woodworth's patent, and he outlines the differences, especially with regard to his solid cutter-head compared to Woodworth's version consisting of steel plates with steel cutters attached. The rights to this patent were sold to Woodworth, and to Woodworth's assignee, James Strong, on 1829-11-29. Emmons' patent played a role in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court, Wilson v. Simpson, 50 U.S. 109 (1850), and it is from papers relating to that lawsuit that we got the information on the patent being purchased by Woodworth and Strong.
In 1843 Emmons' heirs applied for an extension to this patent—Woodworth's heirs had already received an extension to his patent—but so far as we can tell that effort was unsuccessful. See the link to read the petition.
167 Apr. 17, 1837 Improvement in the mode of constructing single-rail railroads Uri Emmons Freehold, NJ