This company ran the Plessisville Foundry, which was in business at least 1876 through to 1933. It appears that the Savoie-Guay name first appeared in 1898, although François-Théodore Savoie had been with the business for over 20 years by that time.
The foundry is best remembered for their gas, gasoline, and steam enginess, and their tractors, but they also made saw, shingle and planing-mill machinery plus general-purpose woodworking machinery.
Information Sources
- Canadian industry, commerce, and finance; published as a companion volume to The Journal of Commerce, 1916, by J. J. Harpell. Lists La Compagnie Savoie Guay, Plessisville Station, Que., as a producer of gas and gasoline engines; stationary steam engines; pulp machinery; saw, shingle and planing mill machinery; woodworking machinery; traction plows; turbine water wheels.
- There was a law case, Savoie-Guay Co. v. Houle, listed in Canadian Annual Digest, 1904-1935, pub. by Canada Law Book Co.
- Also Savoie-Guay Co. v. Deslauriers and Rose v. Savoie-Guay Co.
- The Agricultural Tractor, 1855-1950, by Roy Burton Gray: "The Savoie Guay Co. of Quebec, Canada, produced the 'one-man motor plow'..."
- Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada mentions "Savoie-Guay Compan, Manufacturers of Water Wheels, Gasoline Engines, &c. Plessisville Station, P.Q., January 22, 1910."
- A page on the Assemblée nationale du Québec has a biography of François-Théodore Savoie: "(1846-1921) ... Gérant de la fonderie Plessisville de 1876 à 1897, puis gérant et administrateur de la fonderie Savoie-Guay à Plessisville de 1898 à 1918."
- Another page on the Assemblée nationale du Québec site has a biography of "Joseph-Alcide Savoie: "(1872-1933) ... Propriétaire de Savoie et Cie à Manseau de 1919 à 1933 et de la fonderie Savoie-Guay à Plessisville de 1929 à 1933."