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Manufacturers Index - Wm. Hamilton
In addition to photos of machinery, we also host other images related to manufacturers of old woodworking machinery. Most images are scans of things like ads, articles on the company or historical photos related to the manufacturer. Photos of individual machines made by this company should be submitted to the Photo Index above.

Submitting Images

If you have an image that you think would be appropriate for this manufacturer, please contact the Site Historian.

There are currently 11 Image submissions for this manufacturer

Insert Date Image Title
12/17/2018 1894 ad - The Prescott band saw mill January 1894 The Canada Lumberman
12/17/2018 1896 ads - The new Prescott band saw mill; No. 1 oscillating gang April/November 1896 The Canada Lumberman
10/15/2018 1900 ad - No. 1 iron frame oscillating gang January 1900 The Canada Lumberman
10/15/2018 1902 ad - "Hamilton" band mills, gang edgers, lath mills, engines July 1902 The Canada Lumberman
03/15/2016 1909 ads - "Grand Triumph" shingle machine; combined lath mill and bolter; setworks; "Hamilton" lath mill Canada Lumberman and Woodworker
03/15/2016 1909 ads - Combined lath mill and bolter; shingle machines; steam tension band mill Canada Lumberman and Woodworker
03/15/2016 1909 ads - Sawmill carriages; "Hamilton" lath mill; edgers; husk frames Canada Lumberman and Woodworker
03/15/2016 1909 ads - Sawmill carriages; steam set works; slabbing machine Canada Lumberman and Woodworker
05/29/2016 1913 ad - Four inch steam set works 1913-06-15 Canada Lumberman and Woodworker
05/29/2016 1914 ad - The steam tension band mill 1914-01-01 Canada Lumberman and Woodworker
05/18/2023 1918 ad - "Hamilton" circular re-saws and husk frames 1918-01-01 Canada Lumberman page 21