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Manufacturers Index - Charles L. Goehring
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
356,066 Jan. 11, 1887 Wood-molding and stave machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
358,260 Feb. 22, 1887 Stave-shaping machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny City, PA
361,868 Apr. 26, 1887 Wood-molding machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
361,869 Apr. 26, 1887 Stave-machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
378,787 Feb. 28, 1888 Machine for turning and molding wood Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
394,762 Dec. 18, 1888 Machine for cutting and shaping wood Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA Improvements to patents 356,066, 358,260, 361,868, 361,869.
394,763 Dec. 18, 1888 Molding-machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
394,764 Dec. 18, 1888 Molding-machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA Improvements to patent 384,763.
394,765 Dec. 18, 1888 Molding-machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
394,766 Dec. 18, 1888 Wood carving and molding machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
394,767 Dec. 18, 1888 Art of producing figures on the surface of wood or other material Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
410,887 Sep. 10, 1889 Molding-machine Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA Improvements to patents 394,762, 394,763, 394,764, 394,765, 394,766, and 394,767.
435,265 Aug. 26, 1890 Wood-working machine Frank H. van Houten Matteawan, NY Improvement to machines in patent 394,763 and patent 394,765.
480,462 Aug. 09, 1892 Means for ornamenting wood Charles L. Goehring Allegheny, PA
480,444 Aug. 09, 1892 Molding-machine Frank H. van Houten Matteawan, NY