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Manufacturers Index - William F. Parish
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
307,678 Nov. 04, 1884 Circular-saw mill William F. Parish St. Paul, MN "My invention relates to improvements in circular-saw mills, the object of which is to hang the upper saw so that it will register with the kerf of the lower saw, and thus produce lumber of uniform thickness and smooth surface. My invention therefore consists in mounting the upper saw back or to the rear of the lower saw, the lower edge of the upper saw being somewhat below the upper edge of the lower saw, so that the kerf of the lower saw will assist to steady and guide the upper saw..."
342,876 Jun. 01, 1886 Saw-guide William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN
349,356 Sep. 21, 1886 Circular-saw mill William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN
352,838 Nov. 16, 1886 Saw-mill set-works William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN
369,025 Aug. 30, 1887 Gang-edger William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN "This invention relates to improvements in that class of machines in which a number of circular saws are mounted on a common mandrel and are relatively adjustable as to the distance between them, for the purpose of cutting up wide planks, boards, &c., into boards or scantling of any desired width."
369,026 Aug. 30, 1887 Two-saw trimmer William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN An 1895 catalog from Curtis & Co. Mfg. Co. shows a two-saw lumber trimmer that closely resembles the machine of this patent. The catalog's saw is illustrated but not really described and does not mention a patent. But given the strong resemblance we show this patent as manufactured by Curtis & Co.
373,476 Nov. 22, 1887 Saw-mill set-works William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN
379,658 Mar. 20, 1888 Gang-edger William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN
379,659 Mar. 20, 1888 Edger William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN
379,657 Mar. 20, 1888 Gang-saw mill William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN "The invention relates particularly to improvements in the construction of the presser-rolls and the means for adjusting and operating them; to improvements in the means for supporting and oscillating the guides for the sash-frame; to improvements in the gigging and receding devices, and to improvements in the means for securing and adjusting the sliding blocks of the sash-frame on said frame."
388,069 Aug. 21, 1888 Band-saw mill William F. Parish Minneapolis, MN