This maker of muley saws (reciprocating sawmills) was active in 1867 through 1870, and likely through longer.
Information Sources
- Olmstead received an 1868 patent for a saw hanging.
- Ad in Plotts' Williamsport City Directory 1870-1871:
Union Iron & Machine Works
Established 1867.
C. D. Olmstead,
Patentee and Sole Manufacturer of the
Celebrated adjustable
Mulay Saw Hangings
Also Sole Proprietor of the Excelsior (Hill & Lyon's Patent)
Self-setting saw mill dog
Expressly for gate and mulay saw mills.
I make the Manufacture and Sale of the above machinery a specialty, guaranteeing all that I cause to but put in to give perfect satisfaction.
I also furnish the Irons and Machinery for Mulay Mills complete, if required, and solicit patronage.