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Manufacturers Index - Pittsburgh-Erie Saw Corp.
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
1,576,051 Mar. 09, 1926 Power saw Charles H. Jull Ben Avon, PA This horizontal bandsaw-style meat saw is intended to be mounted on a butcher's block and can be pivoted to move it anywhere on the table.
1,638,122 Aug. 09, 1927 Power saw Charles H. Jull Ben Avon, PA "This invention relates to saws, and, while not limited thereto, relates more particularly to power meat saws for use by butchers..."
2,458,971 Jan. 11, 1949 Method and apparatus for wrapping saw blades or the like Henry E. Wilson Grand Junction, CO This ingenious machine wraps a bandsaw blade (in an unspecified material, but most likely a heavy paper) and then the blade is folded in the usual way; the act of folding the blade helps to hold the wrapping in place. The wrapped blade is claimed to be less prone to suffering damage from the sawteeth contacting one another while being transported and stored. See also patent 2,624,166.
    Method and apparatus for wrapping saw blades or the like Gerald W. Wilson Grand Junction, CO  
2,624,166 Jan. 06, 1953 Apparatus for wrapping flexible bands Albert D. Valiquet Chicago, IL This patent does not mention patent 2,458,971 but it seems to be a simplification of that design.
2,677,218 May. 04, 1954 Cutlery sharpener William F. Lamison Pittsburgh, PA
2,679,874 Jun. 01, 1954 Meat cutting machine Conrad Schmidt Hyattsville, MD
519,022 Nov. 29, 1955 Meat cutting machine Conrad Schmidt Hyattsville, MD
534,126 Dec. 04, 1956 Apparatus for wrapping flexible bands Albert D. Valiquet Chicago, IL
537,861 Mar. 05, 1957 Cutlery sharpener William F. Lamison Pittsburgh, PA
2,852,895 Sep. 23, 1958 Cutlery sharpener William F. Lamison Pittsburgh, PA Improvements to the knife sharpeners of patent 2,677,218 and 2,853,837. The specification refers to an "endless sharpening element", i.e., a sanding belt.
2,853,837 Sep. 30, 1958 Cutlery sharpener William F. Lamison Pittsburgh, PA Improvements to the knife sharpener of patent 2,677,218. The specification refers to an "endless sharpening element", i.e., a sanding belt.
599,973 Jun. 14, 1960 Cutlery sharpener William F. Lamison Pittsburgh, PA
621,267 May. 30, 1961 Cutlery sharpener William F. Lamison Pittsburgh, PA
635,714 Jan. 30, 1962 Cutlery sharpener William F. Lamison Pittsburgh, PA