This company was in business by 1901. Among other products, they made circular sawmills and edgers. They were in business until at least 1936.
Advertisement from January 1901 "The Wood-Worker"
Information Sources
- Ad in January 1901 The Wood-Worker: "saw mills, gang edgers, saws, engines, boilers, belting, etc."
- 1920 catalog seen on eBay. The 36-page catalog shows "No. O Saw Mill; Medium Saw Mill; No. 1 & No. 2 Saw Mills; Cut-Off Saw; and more. Also includes the new one man two saw trimmer for saw mills and the three saw lath mill."
- The U. S. Forest Products Laboratory published a booklet dated March 1936, Operating small sawmills, methods, bibliography, and sources of equipment by C. J. Telford. A table lists the makers of various types of equipment, including circular sawmills, band sawmills, edgers, and planers. This company was listed as a maker of circular sawmills and edgers.
- A search of post-1920 patents did not turn up any patents assigned to this company.