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Manufacturers Index - Porter & Leavitt Electric Motor Co.

Porter & Leavitt Electric Motor Co.
Providence, RI, U.S.A.
Manufacturer Class: Steam and Gas Engines

Last Modified: Feb 6 2025 12:08PM by Jeff_Joslin
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Beginning in 1890 or '91, the Porter & Leavitt Electric Motor Co.—they also used the name Porter-Leavitt Electric Motor Co.— manufactured small DC electric motors that were intended to be powered by batteries. In April 1892 Benjamin F. Leavitt took over the business which announced that they would henceforth be known as the Leavitt Electric Motor Co., but in fact used the name Leavitt Motor Co. The business survived at least until 1896 and perhaps for a few years longer than that.

Porter & Leavitt 'Porter's Motor No. 2'

Information Sources

  • 1891-08-12 The Electrical Engineer page 170, article on battery-powered motor, shown powering a fan, from Porter & Leavitt Electric Manufacturing Company of Providence, R. I.; Electric Gas Lighting Company of Boston were the exclusive agents for New England.
  • 1892-06-15 The Electrical Engineer page 615, article on battery-powered fan from Porter & Leavitt Electric Motor Company of Providence, R. I.
  • 1892-09-07 Electricity page 120.
    The Porter Leavitt Motor Company, Providence, R. I., has been in business 16 months, during which time 8,000 of its handsome and efficient little motors have been made and sold. A large consignment has just been shipped to Calcutta, India, and difficulty is being found to meet the demand.
  • 1893-04-08 The Electrical World page 270.
    Change of Name.—The Porter & Leavitt Electric Motor Company, of Providence, R. I., will in future be known as the Leavitt Electric Motor Company, with factory and office at 124 Mitchell street, Providence, R. I. Mr. B. F. Leavitt, who started this business a few years ago in a small way, is to be complimented on his success. The shop is thoroughly equipped with the necessary machinery and tools for handling the work conveniently. Up to this time the company has always been crowded with orders, many of which would have been canceled owing to the fact that the company has not had the facilities to handle such a volume of trade, had not the plant been enlarged.
  • 1893-05-27 The Electrical World page 399.
    Mr. Benj. F. Leavitt, of the Leavitt Motor Company, successor to Porter & Leavitt, of Providence, R. I., is now making a six weeks' trip through the West.
  • 1894 The Electrician Electrical Trades Directory and Handbook, page 800: "Leavitt Motor Company, Makers of the Leavitt Fan-Motor, 124, Michell-st, Providence, R.I."
  • 1896-08-08 Scientific American page 146, small ad: "Small Motors for All Purposes. The best manufactured. Specially adapted to all kinds of light work, sewing machine... toys, dental drills, jewelers' lathes, etc. Send for Catalogues. The LEAVITT MOTOR CO., Manufacturers of Electric Motors and Electrical Specialties, 125 Mitchell St., Providence, R. I."
  • We have not been able to determine the identity of Porter, which was a not-uncommon name in Providence at that time. We have not found any patents related to electrical devices, fans, or batteries granted to anyone from Providence named Porter or Leavitt, nor were any patents assigned to any of the company names mentioned here.