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Manufacturers Index - Townsend & Co.
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
191,325,122 Mar. 12, 1914 Improvements in endless band grinding and polishing machines Charles Ralph Townsend , England The idea is an adjustable work-rest that runs across the horizontal platen and the vertical angle can be adjusted via a hinged connection on either side of the platen.
    Improvements in endless band grinding and polishing machines Robert Charles Turner , England  
191,315,805 Apr. 23, 1914 Improved endless-band grinding and polishing machine Charles Ralph Townsend , England Co-inventors Townsend and Turner were partners in Townsend & Co. of Birmingham. Their invention is a means of mounting one of the drums or rollers so that it can be adjusted to vary spacing between the drums.
    Improved endless-band grinding and polishing machine Robert Charles Turner , England  
191,400,494 Oct. 15, 1914 Endless band grinding or polishing machines Charles Ralph Townsend , England The innovation is an improved tracking adjustment mechanism.
    Endless band grinding or polishing machines Robert Charles Turner , England  
105,276 Apr. 12, 1917 Improvements in endless band grinding and polishing machines Charles Ralph Townsend , England Patent covers the use of a weighted belt tensioning mechanism.
106,337 May. 23, 1917 Improvements in endless band grinding and polishing machines Charles Ralph Townsend , England Belt sander where the platen ("table") can be adjusted laterally so that its edge is aligned with the edge of the belt. The flat platen can be swapped with one having a convex surface for grinding curved surfaces, and likewise a worn platen can easily be replaced.