In 1866 owner David Barker and general manager Thomas Shannon were operating the Picton Foundry as Barker & Shannon. By that time they had been in business "for many years". Among their products they made steam engines, woodworking machinery, sawmill machinery, and lathes. Marine engines were a specialty. Picton, Ontario is a protected bay on Lake Ontario between Kingston and Belleville.
From 1866 Directory of the Town of Picton |
Information Sources
- 1866 Directory of the Town of Picton (PDF), published by Henry Brock, has an ad for "Picton Foundry / Barker & Shannon, / Machinists and Iron Founders, / Manufacturers of / Steel and Iron Ploughs, Agricultural Implements, Stoves, &c. / Castings of every description made to order. / David Barker / Thomas Shannon." An overview of Picton includes "Barker & Shannon's Foundry is situated on Elizabeth Street, and is owned by David Barker, Esquire, and carried on by Thomas Shannon. The machinery is propelled by Steam power. This foundry has been established for many years, and contains the very best kind of machinery—some designed and manufactured by the proprietors. They employ ten hands, and turn out steam engines, lathes, agricultural implements, saw and grist mill machinery of every description, stoves, &c." A listing elsewhere in the directory says, "Barker and Shannon, (David Barker & Thomas Shannon,) office cor Main & Elizabeth."