In about the 1940s, Robert J. Denio, doing business as Stedy-Chuk Mfg, was making a collet holder that came with collets made of wood.
Information Sources
- We learned of this maker from an forum post.
- A patent search revealed a couple of unrelated patents granted to Robert J. Denio of California. We could not find any relevant patents, nor could we find any mentions of this maker or this product except for an Instagram post showing an example.
- A search of the California corporate name database did not show up any entries for a company with "Stedy" in the name; searching on "Steady" provides lots of matches but none that related to "Steady Chuck". Searching on "Chuk" produced several matches, but again, nothing resembling "Stedy Chuk". Searching on "Denia" also failed to produce any relevant matches.