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Manufacturers Index - Concentro Service Corp.

Concentro Service Corp.
High Point, NC; Greensboro, NC, U.S.A.
Manufacturer Class: Wood Working Machinery

This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
3,001,558 Sep. 26, 1961 Interchangeable wood cutter head William W. Showler Greensboro, NC This patent covers "hub mounted molder and shaper heads used in the furniture industry". See also Canada patent 643,022. The Concentro Service Corp. manufactured planer cutterheads that were apparently based on this invention. The cutterheads are made in segments, and each segment has carbide knives permanently attached. This type of cutterhead can go a very long time between sharpening, but to sharpen it the head must be removed from the machine, which probably explains why very few such heads have survived. They do appear to have worked very well, other than the sharpening hassle.
643,022 Jun. 19, 1962 Interchangeable wood cutter head William W. Showler Greensboro, NC This patent covers "hub mounted molder and shaper head(s) used in the furniture industry."