Manufacturers Index - Lassy Tools, Inc.
Lassy Tools, Inc.
Plainville, CT, U.S.A.
Company Website:
Manufacturer Class:
Metal Working Machinery
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.
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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office .
Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but
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DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And
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USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.
Jun. 26, 1956
Weight balancing device for tapping spindle
Carl O. Lassy |
Plainville, CT |
Mar. 26, 1957
Drilling and tapping vise
Carl O. Lassy |
Plainville, CT |
May. 13, 1958
Vise lock
Carl O. Lassy |
Plainville, CT |
Jun. 17, 1958
Lock Mechanism for vise or clamp
Carl Oscar Lassy |
Plainville, CT |
May. 19, 1959
Angle plate attachment
Carl Oscar Lassy |
Plainville, Hartford County, CT |
Sep. 10, 1963
Gang fixture
Carl O. Lassy |
Plainville, CT |
May. 26, 1970
Workpiece hold-down jaws
William A. Lassy |
Forestville, CT |
Workpiece hold-down jaws
Carl O. Lassy |
Bristol, CT |
Jun. 12, 1973
Workpiece supporting clip on parallels and roller bearing type hold-down jaws
Carl O. Lassy |
Bristol, CT |
Jan. 15, 1974
Workpiece hold-down jaws with constant dimension
Carl O. Lassy |
Bristol, CT |