Special Machine and Engineering, Inc. Made a small aluminum alloy die-cast body jewelers style vise marked "Special Machine and Engineering Detroit, Mich". The data points we have found on "Special Machine and Engineering" turn up a "Special Machine and Engineering, Inc." in Southfield, Michigan (a northern suburb of Detroit).
Information Sources
- 1961 Proceedings of the Design Engineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Machine Design Division lists as secretary of a conference session, "Henry B. Horldt, Chief Engineer, Special Machine and Engineering, Inc., Detroit, Michigan." A search on Henry Holdt turned up a few passing mentions, plus a
1934 patent to Henry Horldt of Detroit, for a car door stop.
- 1976 U.S. Industrial Directory listing: "Special Machine and Engineering, Inc. Southfield, MI 48075".
- A 1980 decision of the National Labor Relations Board provides some background on this company. "[Special Machine and Engineering, Inc.] is a Michigan corporation with an office, plant and place of business in Southfield, Michigan, where it is engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of plastic molds, die cast dies, special machines for automation, and related products. During the fiscal year ending February 28, Respondent, in the course and conduct of its business, manufactured, sold, and distributed products valued in excess of $100,000..."