”The Kokomo Electric Company has been incorporated at Kokomo, Ind., for the purpose of manufacturing a full line of high-grade electric ignition apparatus for gas engines, including spark coils, both jump and primary, storage batteries, dynamos and magnetos, spark plugs, commutators and timing devices, switches, wire terminals, etc. This company has purchased the factory and plant of the E. S. Huff Company, of Detroit, Mich., moved it to Kokomo, and added a large amount of new machinery, making it one of the best equipped factories of its kind in the country. A large amount of the stock of the Kokomo Electric Company is held by members of the firm of Byrne, Kingston & Co., who will handle the entire output of the new plant. Mr. George Kingston, general manager of Byrne, Kingston & Co., will also manage the Kokomo Electric Company, with Mr. E. S. Huff as electrical engineer. The output of this factory, which is already in operation, added to the list of carburetors, mufflers, circulating pumps, oiling devices, steering wheels, etc., of their own manufacture will give Byrne, Kingston & Co. one of the most complete lines of accessories manufactured by any one firm in the country.” (Quote from 1905.)
Information Sources
- Gas Engine Magazine, V7, Jan 1905, pg. 28