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Manufacturers Index - James Judson & Son
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
254,775 Mar. 07, 1882 Governor John L. Judson Rochester, Monroe County, NY Abstract:
It is found that crossbars passing through slots in the balls, projecting on opposite sides and made adjustable forward and back, are convenient attachments for the springs, as the latter can be attached and removed with the greatest facility, and the tension can be adjusted with great accuracy on both springs at once, so that the governor can be adapted to the work for which it is intended without difficulty.
In a governor, the combination, with the balls A A, of crossbars B B, attached, to the balls and made adjustable forward and back, and coiled springs ID ID, connecting the cross-bars.
    Governor William A. Cogswell Rochester, Monroe County, NY  
346,164 Jul. 27, 1886 Lathe Junius Judson Rochester, Monroe County, NY
654,007 Jul. 17, 1900 Steam Engine Governor James E. Kimble Vicksburg, Kalamazoo County, MI Abstract:
This invention relates to that class of automatically controlled fly-governors which io employ a spiral spring to resist the centrifugal throw of the governor-balls, a vertically-playing governor-cap to which the governor-balls are connected by arms, the downward movement of which cap operates on the valve-stem to close the valve in regulating the supply of steam to the engine-cylinder, and a speeder having a thumb-wheel attached to the spring of said speeder for regulating its tension.
he combination of the upright spindle, -the lower revoluble collar; the revoluble, verically-movable governor-cap, a spiral spring, on said spindle between the governor-cap and-collar; solid spherical governor-balls having the lower integral arms pivoted to said-revoluble collar, said governor-balls having the-interior recessed openings beginning at one side of the interior- center and extending therefrom, laterally upward obliquely, and obliquely laterally downward to the periphery toward the spring, thus opening this entire side and a portion of the top, said opening flaring both ways laterally at the edges next to the spring, and the arms pivoted at the upper end to the governor-cap, and pivoted at the lower end in the recessed opening at the interior center of the governor-balls.
720,934 Feb. 17, 1903 Speed-Regulating Device for Engine-Governors Roy C. Kimble Vicksburg, Kalamazoo County, MI Abstract:
This invention relates to improvements in speed-regulating devices for engine-governors. It is particularly adapted for use as a speed-regulating device in connection with engine-governors of the class described in United States Letters Patent No. 654,007, issued to James E. Kimball July 17, 1900, although by proper structural variations it may be applied to any engine-governor which throttles the steam.
In a speed-regulating device for engine-governors, the combination of a suitable governor-valve; a valve-stem divided in two parts C and D; a shaft G; an arm or lever E secured to said shaft engaging the upper part of the valve-stem; an arm or lever F pivoted on said shaft, engaging the part C of the valve-stem; a spring G' on said shaft engaging said lever F and arranged to put tension on the same; means for adjusting said spring; and a thumbscrew through the projecting end of one of said arms and adapted to engage the other, whereby the relative position of said arms is controlled.
912,689 Feb. 16, 1909 Speed Regulating Device for Engine Governors James E. Kimble Vicksburg, Kalamazoo County, MI Abstract:
This invention relates to speed-regulating devices for engine governors, and has for its object simplicity in construction and a wide range of speed adjustment.
In a speed regulating device for engine of a valve having a stem divided into two parts; a collar adjustable on the lower end of the upper valve stem section; a bracket carrying the lower stem section movable vertically and having a part adapted to engage with said collar; means carried by said bracket, for adjusting said collar on the upper section of the stein; and a yielding support adapted to hold said bracket in contact with said collar.
1,157,956 Oct. 26, 1915 Valve John L. Osborne Rochester, Monroe County, NY
1,190,945 Jul. 11, 1916 Pump Controlling Device John L. Osborne Rochester, Monroe County, NY
1,190,946 Jul. 11, 1916 Governor John L. Osborne Rochester, Monroe County, NY Abstract:
This invention relates to speed-governors for engines, and particularly to governors of the centrifugal type, such as are commonly employed in connection with, steam- engines. One object of the invention is to produce a governor having a centrifugal mechanism of a form in which, without complication of construction, provision is made for a wide range of adjustment and of sensitive action, and to this end I employ an arrangement in which the weights have a substantially rectilinear or radial movement toward and from the axis of revolution, while being connected with the parts actuated thereby through a simple arrangement of levers. Another object of the invention is to produce a centrifugal mechanism which, while enclosed compactly within an oiltight casing, is at the same time readily adjustable at any time, even while the governor is running, and without opening the casing. To this end I employ a construction in which the centripetal spring of the mechanism is arranged coaxially with the centrifugal mechanism, and is adjustable by means of a member which extends outwardly through the side of the casing, in a manner hereinafter described. Another object of the invention is to improve the valve which is connected with, and actuated by, the centrifugal mechanism of the governor.
In Letters Patent of the United States No. 963,803, granted to me July 12, 1910, I have disclosed a governor provided with a governor-valve, or throttle-valve, in which the rotatable valve-member fits and turns within an outer fixed valve-member. In accordance with the present invention I have improved the construction of the valve disclosed in my said patent, by rearranging the parts so that the rotary valve- member embraces and turns upon an inner fixed valve-member, with resultant advantages which are hereinafter set forth.
A governor having, in combination, a stationary sleeve; a shaft journaled in the sleeve; centrifugal mechanism carried by the shaft; a stationary casing carried at the end of the sleeve and inclosing the centrifugal mechanism; and means, for connecting the centrifugal mechanism with a governor-valve, comprising a sleeve slidable upon the stationary sleeve, and connections, between the sliding sleeve and the centrifugal mechanism, slidable through the wall of the casing.