From ad in 1920-07-01 American Machinist |
Ogden R. Adams was a Rochester machine tool dealer who, in 1919, established O. R. Adams Manufacturing Co., Inc. to make a small but heavy production lathe. In April 1920 they introduced the "Short-cut" metal-working lathe. In September of that year, Seneca Falls Manufacturing Co. announced that they had acquired the O. R. Adams Manufacturing Co. and would continue the manufacture of Short-cut lathes. Ogden R. Adams continued his retail business of selling machine tools.
Information Sources
- July 1919 Raw Material.
F. H. Brown, formerly general sales manager of the Sherritt & Stoer Co., Philadelphia, Pa., was recently elected president and general manager of the O. R. Adams Manufacturing Co., Rochester, New York.
- 1920-07-01 American Machinist has an ad from Milwaukee Shaper Co. that lists "Ogden R. Adams, Rochester" among its dealers.
- 1920-09-30 American Machinist.
The O. R. Adams Manufacturing Co., Inc., of Rochester, N. Y., has been taken over by the Seneca Falls Manufacturing Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y. This firm will continue to manufacture the Adams Short-Cut Lathe. Ogden R. Adams is severing his connection with the Shortcut Lathe business, and will give his entire time and interests to his regular machine-tool business at the St. Paul St. store.
- From 1939 Gazette of the United States Patent Office, in the section on trademark registration renewals.
126,970. SHORT-CUT. Lathes. Registered October 14, 1919. O. R. Adams Mfg. Co., Inc., Rochester, N. Y. Renewed October 14, 1939, to Seneca Falls Machine Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y., a corporation of Massachusetts, assignee by mesne assignments.