"The Wonder" Contractor's Portable Table Saw
St. Louis Machine Tool Co. manufactured grinding, polishing and tapping machine during 1919 to 1926 and likely for longer. In 1926 they were also making a job-site contractor's saw. Their "Western Grinder" line of grinder arbors and pedestal grinders were marketed to truck and auto shops among others. Although it seems like not too many of these grinders have survived to the present day, at one time they must have been very popular because they are frequently listed in used-machinery ads of the 1920s to '50s.
Information Sources
- November 1919 Industrial Arts.
Issues New Catalog.—The St. Louis Machine Tool company, 2607 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo., has just issued a new catalog of its grinding, polishing and tapping machines. The booklet illustrates and describes in detail the well known St. Louis grinders which are made in four general types with six sizes for each type. Additional sections of the catalog are devoted to the polishing and tapping machinery made by the firm and to a variety of special grinders which the firm manufactures under the trade name of the "Western Grinder."
The catalog includes complete lists of grinder and polisher parts and information concerning the installation and use of the grinders. Copies will be sent to any school authority on request.
- 1921-01-21 Automobile Trade Journal has an article on St. Louis Machine Tool Co.'s new grinders in their "Western Grinder" line, including the No. 24, No. 21, and No. 26. They are all pedestal-mounted grinder/polisher arbors The latter two models were available in several sizes and came with built-in counter-shafts.