Maritime Foundry and Machine Works, Ltd.
The Maritime Foundry and Machine Works, Ltd., was incorporated in August 1912 with an authorized capital of $49,000, of which $37,000 has been paid up.
The company, the headquarters of which are at Chatham, is engaged in the manufacture of saw-mill machinery, consisting of rotaries, shingle machines, clapboard machines, planers, edgers, lath machines, and other equipment, every description of grey iron castings, brass, phosphor bronze, and lead castings. The company also built tug-boats and steam launches in all sizes, marine engines, and a complete line of contractors' hoisting engines.
For the manufacture of so many varied products there must necessarily be an extensive plant, and the factory of the Maritime Foundry and Machine Works, Ltd., contains a multitude of machines and tools, a completely equipped foundry, and a pattern shop with a wide variety of patterns. In addition a large stock of iron and brass pipe and fittings, bar iron and steel, steel plates, etc., is carried. The plant and stock yard together cover over two acres, and give employment to 28 hands.
The principal market is the Maritime Provinces, though shipments of hoisting engines and shingle machines have been made to Western Canada. The Hasting Mill in Vancouver uses no less than 25 "Dunbar" shingle machines, as the company's product is named.
The manager of the company is Mr. F. H. McNaught, a native of Chatham. Mr. McNaught has been with Mr. James Miller, the original owner of the business, since 1893. The latter gentleman hails from Pince Edward County, Ontario. Mr. John C. Miller is the president, and Mr. J. W. McLennan the mechanical superintendent.