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Manufactured By:
Hoard & Bradford
Watertown, NY

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Title: 1854 Ad- Hoard & Bradford, Portable Steam Engine
Source: The American Farmer, For 1854, pg 249 & 250
Insert Date: 3/22/2013 9:24:10 PM

Image Description:
In our last issue we promised to give a drawing of the Portable Engine, of Messrs. Hoard & Bradford, of Watertown, N. Y. and we now fulfil that promise, with such a description of ii as will give some idea of the machine. Our attention has been called to this Engine from such sources as to induce the belief and hope, that its introduction would be attendant with decided advantages to the Farmer and Planter, and in fact to many other classes, in the saving of labor, the scarcity and dearness of which is every year becoming a matter of the utmost solicitude, and renders it necessary that every means, should be resorted to, to obviate the difficulties attendant thereon.

These engines have been sold to parties in nearly every state in the Union, we learn from the manufacturers, except in North Carolina and Maryland, and are used by farmers and planters, by printers, and in various mechanical establishments. We bare such confidence in them, that we have ordered one to propel one of Hoe & Co.'s celebrated Printing Presses, which we have recently purchased, and expect to have it in operation in a few weeks.—The manufacturers thus speak of them:

These Engines hare been constructed with a view to safety, economy, convenience, and cheapness. The universal satisfaction which they have own State by Hoard & Bradford, of Watertown, given is attributable to the combination of these which for simplicity, lightness and cheapness, as qualities, which brings them within the reach of well as efficiency, possess decided advantages over Mechanics and Farmers of ordinary means, and enables persons of ordinary judgement give a pretty fair view, we think, of the value and caution to manage them safely and properly. Notwithstanding a great number of those Engines have been sold to persons entirely ignorant of steam machinery, no single accident has come to the knowledge of the makers.

"They are strictly Portable, require no brick work, and can be set up and removed as conveniently as a common stove. The "exhaust" "steam admitted into the smoke-pipe, removes all danger of Fire from sparks, when used where such danger would otherwise exist. The Planter and Farmer can apply them to ginning cotton, grinding corn, threshing, sawing wood, cutting straw or hay for feed, cooking and mashing food, churning, washing, pumping, heating milk, etc. The Mechanic may apply them to any use where power or steam is requisite—sawing, planing, boring, turning, grinding, etc. They are convenient for unloading vessels, or elevating building materials. For Printers they are the cheapest and most convenient power yet offered.

Image courtesy of Brian Szafranski.
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1854 Hoard & Bradford, Portable Steam Engine
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1854 Hoard & Bradford, Portable Steam Engine Weights & Dimensions
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