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Manufactured By:
Climax Mfg. Co.
Corry, PA

Image Detail
Title: 1890 Article-Climax Mfg. Co., High Speed Steam Engine
Source: The Steam User 1890 pg 65
Insert Date: 4/18/2011 9:51:23 AM

Image Description:
The engraving on this page is a good illustration of the Climax Engine, which is manufactured at Corry, Pa. In this engine the ball-balanced valve is used. It is so constructed that the engine will relieve itself of water if placed a long distance from the boiler, so that there is no danger of blowing out of cylinder-heads or breaking of connecting rods, thus obviating the necessity of putting in false heads.
Another and very peculiar feature of this valve is, that all of the live steam is contained within the valve, and that nothing but the exhaust steam enters the steam-chest, so that the steam-chest cover can be removed at any time, and witness the working of the valve, and the engine can be run at its full capacity with the steam-chest cover off, so that if any defect in the working parts occurs it can readily be discovered. The valve is operated by a rod passing down through two bearings to the eccentric-rod attached to the eccentric on the main shaft, a very simple and desirable arrangement.
Owing to the few parts, and their great strength in comparison to the strain put upon them, and their construction being such that they can be run without tightening or keying up until worn out, and it is a very desirable engine where an inexpensive machine is not desired.
(Manufactured by the Climax Manufacturing Co., Corry, Pa.)
Image 1
1890 Climax Mfg. Co., High Speed Steam Engine
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