Title: |
1884 Article-Buffalo Forge Co., Combined Punch, Shear & Bar Cutter |
Source: |
American Engineer, V8, 20 Aug 1884, pg. 83 |
Insert Date: |
4/1/2017 8:35:22 PM |
The Buffalo Combined Punch, Shear and Bar Cutter, is represented by the following cut.
This punch and shear is of an entirely new design, its mechanism and manner of operating being on the inclined and eccentric principle. A fair conception of the power gained by this method may be obtained, when it is stated that its proportions of power applied and obtained are as 1 to 125, making it the most powerful machine of its size and weight. This immense power is applied in a rigidly perpendicular direction, with no lateral strain whatever.
There are but five pieces of castings in its entire construction, with no set-screws, keys or springs in working parts. This simple and compact form, hardly second to its enormous power should commend the machine to the practical purchaser at sight.
It requires a very small space, is extremely simple, and all parts are made interchangeable. It is made in three sizes.
This tool is entirely new and original and is secured to the manufacturers, The Buffalo Forge Company, of Buffalo, N. Y., by letters patent, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. The Buffalo Forge Company will be glad to answer all inquiries.
US Patent: 855,766
http://datamp.org/patents/displayPatent.php?number=855766&typeCode=0 |
1884 Buffalo Forge Co., Combined Punch, Shear & Bar Cutter