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Manufacturers Index - Henry L. Beach
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
71,265 Nov. 26, 1867 Improvement in scroll-sawing machines Henry L. Beach New York, NY This appears to be the first woodworking patent granted to Henry L. Beach, who later became an important maker of scrollsaws and other woodworking machinery. But at the time of this patent, he seems to have been primarily engaged in making horse rakes. Perhaps he invented this improved scrollsaw for the manufacture of horse-rake parts.
75,514 Mar. 17, 1868 Improvement in horse rakes Henry L. Beach Montrose, PA This patent is of interest because it is an early patent to Henry L. Beach, who later became an important maker of scrollsaws and finish planers.
76,040 Mar. 31, 1868 Improvement in horse-rakes Henry L. Beach New York, NY This patent is of interest because the inventor became an important inventor and maker of woodworking machinery, especially large scrollsaws.
The patent specification incorrectly lists the assignee as "Beach Horse Hay-Rake Mfg. Company"; the patent text gives the correct name.
145,084 Dec. 02, 1873 Improvement in scroll-saws Henry L. Beach New York, NY This patent is notable because it provides a link between the Henry Beach's horserake business (see patent 76,040) and his earlier (see patent 71,265) and later (this patent) patents for scrollsaws.
Henry Lloyd Beach later moved to back to Montrose, PA and, under his name, sold tablesaws, sanders, swing saws, scrollsaws, ripsaws, and crosscut saws. At some point after 1897 the company name changed from "H. L. Beach" to Beach Mfg. Co.
163,843 Jun. 01, 1875 Improvement in scroll-sawing machines Henry L. Beach Montrose, PA
182,743 Oct. 03, 1876 Improvement in scroll-saws Henry L. Beach Montrose, PA The inventor had ads in Manufacturer & Builder for his scroll saw.
209,153 Oct. 22, 1878 Improvement in scroll-sawing machines Henry L. Beach Montrose, PA
231,468 Aug. 24, 1880 Frame for scroll-sawing machines Henry L. Beach Montrose, PA
356,186 Jan. 18, 1887 Scroll-sawing machine Henry L. Beach Montrose, PA A ca. 1920 catalog from Philadelphia machinery manufacturer L. Power & Co. shows a "Patent Scroll Sawing Machine" that is an exact match to the patent drawing. It is uncertain whether L. Power was manufacturing this machine themselves or if it was being manufactured by Beach. In any event, that catalog post-dates the expiry of this patent so we do not list L. Power & Co. as a manufacturer of this invention.
381,752 Apr. 24, 1888 Saw-table gage Henry L. Beach Montrose, PA
381,751 Apr. 24, 1888 Scroll-saw Henry L. Beach Montrose, PA
389,684 Sep. 18, 1888 Joint for furniture, boxes, or like articles Henry Lloyd Beach Montrose, PA Of interest because the inventor was an important woodworking machinery inventor and maker.
429,836 Jun. 10, 1890 Sawing-machine Henry Lloyd Beach Montrose, PA
429,838 Jun. 10, 1890 Saw Hanging Henry Lloyd Beach Montrose, Susquehanna County, PA
537,521 Apr. 16, 1895 Circular sawing machine Henry Lloyd Beach Montrose, PA