Garvin Horizontal Milling Machine
Garvin Factory
E. E. Garvin & Co. was founded in 1865 as a partnership between Eugene E. Garvin and George K. Garvin as a reorganization of Smith & Garvin. The firm was incorporated in 1889 as Garvin Machine Co. The company lasted until 1925 when it went under and was succeeded by John B. Stevens, Inc.
More history and machine information can be found at Tony Griffith's Lathe web site.
Information Sources
- The "Business Items" section of the July 1890 issue of Manufacturer & Builder contains the following:
We acknowledge the receipt of the last edition of the illustrated catalogue and price-list of the Garvin Machine Company (successors to E. E. Garvin & Co.,) of Canal and Laight streets, New York, manufacturers of machinery and machinists' tools. The products of the company's shops embrace milling machines, drill presses, screw machines, hand lathes, cutter grinders, tapping machines, etc., of the several standard sizes. The company is likewise engaged in the designing and construction of special machinery, and in gearcutting and milling in all its branches. The company, which was organized in November, 1889, at present occupies the large building at Laight and Canal streets, an exceptionally suitable location by reason of its proximity to the principal freight depots and its ready accessibility from every part of the city. The machines and tools, which are fully described and illustrated by excellent engravings, make an imposing list, requiring some 100 pages. The present catalogue embraces a number of additional machines, which appear for the first time. These include several forms of screw machines, a full line of chucking machines, a two-spindle profiler, a new universal milling machine, and others. The company now offers to the users of machinery, no less than sixteen different patterns and sizes of milling machines. Those requiring machines for special manufacturing operations, will find it to their advantage to open correspondence with the company.
- The August 1890 issue of Manufacturer & Builder has an illustrated article on Garvin Machine Co.'s improved tapping machine.
- The February 1891 issue of Manufacturer & Builder has an illustrated article on Garvin Machine Co.'s screw machine and turret lathe.
- The "Business Items" section of the December 1891 issue of Manufacturer & Builder contains the following:
'The Garvin Universal Milling Machine and its Attachments,' is the title of a handsomely-printed and illustrated pamphlet issued by the manufacturers, the Garvin Machine Company, of Laight and Canal streets, New York city. The contents of the pamphlet consists principally of instructions to machinists in setting and adjusting the machine and attachments for the large variety of work of which it is capable. Time machine in question has been largely introduced, and from the tone of the specimen testimonials appended to the pamphlet, it appears to be in all respects an exceedingly serviceable machine. The pamphlet will be sent on application to the above address.
- American Lathe Builders: 1810-1910 by Kenneth L. Cope, 2001 page 61