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Manufacturers Index - Ex-Cell-O Machine Tools, Inc.

Ex-Cell-O Machine Tools, Inc.
Sterling Heights, MI, U.S.A.
Manufacturer Class: Wood Working Machinery & Metal Working Machinery

In addition to photos of machinery, we also host other images related to manufacturers of old woodworking machinery. Most images are scans of things like ads, articles on the company or historical photos related to the manufacturer. Photos of individual machines made by this company should be submitted to the Photo Index above.

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There are currently 5 Image submissions for this manufacturer

Insert Date Image Title
06/17/2016 1921 Article-Ex-Cell-O Tool & Mfg. Co., Parker Grinding, Drilling & Turning Machine Machinery, V28, Dec 1921, pg. 333
02/17/2023 1941 article - N. A. Woodworth organizes the Suprex Gage Company July 1941 Western Machinery & Steel World, page 72
10/15/2018 1943 ad - EX-CELL-O thread grinders 1943-11-29 Steel
06/15/2019 2006 Letter - Ex-Cell-O Machine Tools, Inc. Reduction in Force, Sterling Heights Facility https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdcd/Ex-Cell-O_Machines_Tools_280416_7.pdf
07/15/2024 Undated nameplate - CARBOLOY - Ex-Cell-O Aircraft & Tool Corp., 1800 Oakman Blvd., Detroit Via eBay