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Manufacturers Index - O. K. Clutch & Machinery Co.
In addition to photos of machinery, we also host other images related to manufacturers of old woodworking machinery. Most images are scans of things like ads, articles on the company or historical photos related to the manufacturer. Photos of individual machines made by this company should be submitted to the Photo Index above.

Submitting Images

If you have an image that you think would be appropriate for this manufacturer, please contact the Site Historian.

There are currently 3 Image submissions for this manufacturer

Insert Date Image Title
07/15/2024 1912 ad - The O. K. friction clutch pulley January 1912 Gas Review page 65
07/15/2024 1914 ad - O. K. spring release chain-drive hoist April 1914 Southern Machinery page 77
07/15/2024 1916 ads - O. K. friction clutch pulley for gasoline engines; O. K. geared hay hoist 1916 issues of Farm Implement News, as indicated