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Manufacturers Index - S. A. Woods Machine Co.
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Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
8,881 Apr. 13, 1852 Feed apparatus of planing-machines Joel Whitney Winchester, MA Extended 7 yrs, reissued twice. This patent was acquired by S. A. Woods, but it may first have been used by James A. Woodbury, who worked for Joel Whitney in two separate stints in his career, and is known to have sold his woodworking machinery business to S. A. Woods.
11,984 Nov. 21, 1854 Presser-bar for planing machines Harvey Snow Dubuque, IA According to the 1873 "Subject-matter index of patents for inventions issued by the United States Patent Office", this patent was granted an extension.
20,527 Jun. 08, 1858 Planing-machine James A. Woodbury Winchester, MA
21,474 Sep. 07, 1858 Journal-box Harlow W. Thayer Sandwich, MA This patent was reissued and also granted an extension.
26,902 Jan. 24, 1860 Planing machine Solomon S. Gray Boston, MA
43,074 Jun. 07, 1864 Improvement in barrel-machines R. W. George Richmond, ME Co-assignee Gray was co-founder of Gray & Woods, but it appears that by the time of this patent he was no longer in partnership with S. A. Woods.
55,389 Jun. 05, 1866 Improvement in planing-machines John B. Tarr Chicago, IL This important patent is for a side-head chip breaker. It prevents splintering of the side of the board while being matched. It is an improvement to patent 20,527. Unfortunately for inventor John B. Tarr, this patent's claims were considerably narrower than they could have been, which left room for manufacturers to put chip-breakers on their planer side-heads without having to pay any licensing fees. This issue is discussed in Charles Tompkins' book, "History of the Planing Mill".
56,656 Jul. 24, 1866 Improvement in planing-machines James A. Woodbury Boston, MA
RE2,676 Jul. 09, 1867 Planer Joel Whitney Winchester, MA Extended 7 years (from Scientific American 1867-07-27).
RE3,110 Sep. 01, 1868 Planer Joel Whitney Winchester, MA
81,953 Sep. 08, 1868 Improved mechanism for operating the beds of planing-machines Henry F. Shaw West Roxbury, MA J. H. Adams - patent attorney
Like the immediately preceding patent 81,952, this patent is of interest because the two assignees were both important machine inventors and builders in their own rights.
My invention relates to the application, in such-machines, of a differential gear, in connection with an eccentric-shaft or sleeve, operating together upon the principle described in the patent, No. 64,915, granted to me on the 21st May, 1867. In my present improvement, a cylinder, having a spur-gear upon its internal surface, is fixed to the shaft which moves the bed of the planing-machine, upon which spur-gear rolls-a second cylinder, with a spur-gear upon its external surface, and hung upon a sleeve arranged eccentrically on the shaft which carries the first named cylinder. The cylinder with the external gear is prevented from rotating, but is allowed an oscillating movement by means of an arm attached to it, and, extending a short distance, is provided with a slot, at its end, which plays upon a pin attached to the side of the frame of the machine. The rotation of the eccentric-sleeve imparts a motion, to the cylinder having the external gear, and the teeth of the latter, engaging with the internal gear, impart a motion to the latter, the amount of motion depending upon the difference of the relative diameters of the two pitch-lines of the spur-gears.

89,724 May. 04, 1869 Improvement in machine for grinding saws E. L. Abbott Boston, MA
    Improvement in machine for grinding saws Jamison H. Harrison Boston, MA  
    Improvement in machine for grinding saws W. P. Welch Boston, MA  
101,072 Mar. 22, 1870 Improvement in planing-machines George E. Woodbury Cambridge, MA
111,894 Feb. 14, 1871 Improvement in planing-machines Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA
117,230 Jul. 18, 1871 Improvement in planing-machines George E. Woodbury Cambridge, MA
    Improvement in planing-machines Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
134,596 Jan. 07, 1873 Improvement in machines for jointing staves Solomon S. Gray Boston, MA
RE5,323 Mar. 11, 1873 Improvement in journal-boxes Harlow W. Thayer Sandwich, MA This patent was extended and reissued. The original patent was co-assigned to Woodbury and Solomon A. Woods but this reissue was assigned to Woodbury and Thayer.
142,460 Sep. 02, 1873 Improvement in planing-machines William H. Gray Boston, MA Invention is a means of linking the ends of the feed rollers in such a way as to keep the rolls parallel to the bed. Otherwise, stock fed off-center will experience uneven pressure.
142,936 Sep. 16, 1873 Improvement in planing-machines Solon W. Nelson Worcester, MA For integral sharpener etc.
This patent date was seen on an S. A. Woods planer. There is no direct evidence that this is the correct patent, but it is, by far, the most likely candidate.
161,726 Apr. 06, 1875 Improvement in planing-machines George E. Woodbury Cambridge, MA An 1888 S. A. Woods catalog shows this patent date, and this Woodbury patent is the most likely candidate, especially since Woodbury and Woods received a joint patent a few years before (patent 117,230).
188,469 Mar. 20, 1877 Improvement in copying-presses Richard E. Kidder Worcester, MA This patent is of interest in relation to woodworking machinery: the inventor was a manufacturer of woodworking machinery, and the assignee was, or would become, vice-president of woodworking machinery maker S. A. Woods Machine Co.
237,652 Feb. 08, 1881 Cutter-head for wood-working machines Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA
244,507 Jul. 19, 1881 Planing-machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA This is the first double surfacer with endless-bed infeed and power-driven top and bottom outfeed rolls, and this type of machine became very popular in the following decades.
303,179 Aug. 05, 1884 Cutter-head Martin Murphey Brooklyn, NY Co-assignee Joslin was vice-president of S. A. Woods Machine Co., and head of their New York branch. This is one of several patents granted or assigned to Joslin; it appears that S. A. Woods' New York branch was run as a separate business, and these patented inventions were developed independently of the parent company.
We have not been able to find any information connecting the other assignee, Albert Johnson, to S. A. Woods Machine Co., although the search is hampered by the commonness of Johnson's name.
313,497 Mar. 10, 1885 Loose Pulley James A. Horton Reading, Middlesex County, MA
340,444 Apr. 20, 1886 Resawing machine Isaac R. Joslin New York, NY Ad in May 1887 issue of Carpentry and Building: "Joslin's patent re-sawing machine, with segment saw. The best in the market. For sale by the S. A. Woods Machine Co." The saw is labeled with this patent date and "I. R. Joslin, N.Y." The inventor was a long-time employee of the S. A. Woods Machine Co., and by the time of this invention he was vice president of the company and head of their New York operations. Given all this, and the fact that this patent is not assigned to S. A. Woods Machine Co., it seems most likely that Joslin developed this machine on his own time, patented it, and then licensed it to his employer. In August 1886, only four months after this patent was issued, Joslin retired due to failing eyesight. He died of complications from typhoid in October 1889, age 56. At the time of his death he was working toward starting his own woodworking machinery manufacturing business.
349,766 Sep. 28, 1886 Reamer Hosea R. Tillison Boston, Suffolk County, MA
351,303 Oct. 19, 1886 Planing and matching machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA
364,328 Jun. 07, 1887 Circular sawing machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA
364,329 Jun. 07, 1887 Planing-machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA
364,743 Jun. 14, 1887 Planing-machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA
371,676 Oct. 18, 1887 Cutting-off saw Andrew M. Eastman Milford, MA
    Cutting-off saw John R. Thomas Boston, MA  
373,031 Nov. 08, 1887 Bandsaw John R. Thomas Boston, MA
374,283 Dec. 06, 1887 Planing machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA This patent was a "Daniels and Woodworth planers combined", and can plane "three times as rapidly as the Daniels". A Daniels planer has a travelling bed to which the stock is shimmed and dogged to hold it firmly. The cutterhead consists of an arm that rotates horizontally above the stock, with a cutter mounted on each end of the arm. Where the Woodworth planer makes one face parallel to the opposite face, the Daniels planer makes the upper face flat and parallel to the bed.
    Planing machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
374,313 Dec. 06, 1887 Planing-machine Abram McHenry Elmira, NY Patent seen on "Four-roll inside moulder, planer and matcher" in an 1893 Berry & Orton Co. catalog.
385,895 Jul. 10, 1888 Planing machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA
    Planing machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
388,169 Aug. 21, 1888 Planing-machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA Patent seen on "Four-roll inside moulder, planer and matcher" in an 1893 Berry & Orton Co. catalog.
    Planing-machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
391,003 Oct. 09, 1888 Upright matching machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA
    Upright matching machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
397,151 Feb. 05, 1889 Rolls for planing-machines John R. Thomas Boston, MA
397,575 Feb. 12, 1889 Planing machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA Patent seen on "Four-roll inside moulder, planer and matcher" in an 1893 Berry & Orton Co. catalog.
    Planing machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
398,362 Feb. 19, 1889 Wood-planing machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA
404,489 Jun. 04, 1889 Wood-working tool George T. Lawrence New York, NY In August 1886 Isaac R. Joslin retired as vice-president of the S. A. Woods Machine Co., and he died in October 1889 from complications of typhoid. We do not know if this invention was manufactured. At the time of Joslin's death he was in the early stages of starting a new business to manufacture woodworking machinery.
    Wood-working tool Isaac R. Joslin New York, NY  
411,540 Sep. 24, 1889 Planing-machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA
    Planing-machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
418,345 Dec. 31, 1889 Planing machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA Patent seen on "Four-roll inside moulder, planer and matcher" in an 1893 Berry & Orton Co. catalog.
    Planing machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
420,569 Feb. 04, 1890 Cutter-head for planers John Bopp Brooklyn, NY
    Cutter-head for planers John McCort Blissville, NY  
422,794 Mar. 04, 1890 Apparatus for making compound lumber Colin M. Thompson Brooklyn, NY See patent 422,795 for more information on co-inventor Isaac R. Joslin.
    Apparatus for making compound lumber Isaac R. Joslin New York, NY  
422,795 Mar. 04, 1890 Apparatus for making compound lumber Colin M. Thompson Brooklyn, NY Co-inventor Joslin had been vice-president of S. A. Woods Machine Co., and head of their New York branch. In 1887 was forced into retirement by failing eyesight but continued to work on his own and was planning to go into manufacturing under his own name when he died of typhoid in October 1889.
    Apparatus for making compound lumber Isaac R. Joslin New York, NY  
429,395 Jun. 03, 1890 Pressure Bar for Planing Machines John R. Thomas Boston, MA
438,746 Oct. 21, 1890 Planing machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA Improvement to patent 385,895.
    Planing machine Solomon A. Woods Boston, MA  
455,211 Jun. 30, 1891 Means for securing knives to cutter-heads of molding-machines Thomas B. Huestis Boston, MA These "improved cutter caps" can be seen on page 79 of the 1898 S. A. Woods catalog.
D21,850 Sep. 06, 1892 Design for a cutter-head hood for planers James Roberts Boston, MA
483,970 Oct. 04, 1892 Planing-machine John R. Thomas Boston, MA This invention relates to planers having cutters both above and below the stock. The under cutter is typically placed well beyond the upper cutter, but if there are any protrusions in the bottom of the board, then the stock lifts up while passing below the upper cutter, creating an uneven thickness. The innovation is to use a "preparatory under cutter to rough off or true up the under surface of the board or stick by removing any knots or projections therefrom before it arrives at the surface-plate below the upper cutter".
495,445 Apr. 11, 1893 Belt-tightener for planing-machines Hosea R. Tillison Boston, MA
    Belt-tightener for planing-machines Solomon A. Woods Brookline, MA  
495,912 Apr. 18, 1893 Cutter-head hood for planers or matchers James Roberts Boston, MA
496,919 May. 09, 1893 Loose pulley Hosea R. Tillison Boston, MA
502,199 Jul. 25, 1893 Bevel Carl G. Osteman Boston, Suffolk County, MA
553,828 Feb. 04, 1896 Grinding-machine Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA Seen on S. A. Woods knife grinder.
558,766 Apr. 21, 1896 Pump Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
562,756 Jun. 23, 1896 Chain-feed for woodworking machines Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
566,082 Aug. 18, 1896 Wood-planing machine George T. Lawrence New York, NY
    Wood-planing machine Hosea R. Tillison Boston, MA  
593,500 Nov. 09, 1897 Cutter-head Hosea R. Tillison Boston, MA
593,366 Nov. 09, 1897 Belt-pulley Hosea R. Tillison Boston, MA This belt pulley has grooves to allow trapped air to escape, thus keeping the belt in solid contact with the rapidly rotating pulley. This patent was featured in S. A. Woods ads.
593,551 Nov. 09, 1897 Box cutting and nailing machine Thomas B. Abernathy Chicago, IL
596,555 Jan. 04, 1898 Planing machinery Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
    Planing machinery Hosea R. Tillison Boston, MA  
609,161 Aug. 16, 1898 Machine for cutting box-corners William E. Nichols Winchendon, MA This machine was initially manufactured by the inventor's company, the W. E. Nichols Machine Works, where it seems to have been their biggest-selling product. In early 1899 they sold all rights for that machine to the S. A. Woods Machine Co. The 1899 S. A. Woods catalog features the No. 211 Lock Corner Box Machine that carries this patent date plus the date for patent 593,551. The description says, "We present to the attention of progressive box manufacturers the well-known Nichols Lock Corner Machine, the patents, patterns, good will, etc., of which we have recently purchased from the inventor." This machine was not shown in the 1898 S. A. Woods catalog.
623,938 Apr. 25, 1899 Planer Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
    Planer Hosea R. Tillison Boston, MA  
    Planer Solomon A. Woods Brookline, MA  
624,886 May. 09, 1899 Planer Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
    Planer Hosea R. Tillison Boston, MA  
    Planer Solomon A. Woods Brookline, MA  
651,694 Jun. 12, 1900 Horizontal mortising machine Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
669,473 Mar. 05, 1901 Boring-machine Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
678,795 Jul. 16, 1901 Cutter-head for planing machines Lambert Sprink Milwaukee, WI This is the best candidate for a patent date seen on an S. A. Woods planer.
678,712 Jul. 16, 1901 Gage for setting cutter-head blades Frank F. Woods Boston, MA
    Gage for setting cutter-head blades Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA  
690,383 Dec. 31, 1901 Feed-roll for planing-machines Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
694,314 Feb. 25, 1902 Planing-machine Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
696,307 Mar. 25, 1902 Planer feed-rolls Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
RE11,984 May. 13, 1902 Planer feed-rolls Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
705,197 Jul. 22, 1902 Box-setting-up machine Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
742,772 Oct. 27, 1903 Vertical-feed transverse-cutting machine Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
770,156 Sep. 13, 1904 Boring-machine Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA The manufacturer is presumed, because inventor Blood was a notable inventor for S. A. Woods Machine Co.
780,548 Jan. 24, 1905 Journal-box Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
805,626 Nov. 28, 1905 Matcher head Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
842,756 Jan. 29, 1907 Belt-adjusting mechanism Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
842,757 Jan. 29, 1907 Belt guiding and tightening mechanism Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
846,723 Mar. 12, 1907 Radial Setting Gage for Cutter Head Knives Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
858,564 Jul. 02, 1907 Upper cutter-head sharpener for planing-machines Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, MA
872,890 Dec. 03, 1907 Solid-back cutter-head Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
873,657 Dec. 10, 1907 Work-support for bottom cutter-heads of wood-planers Carl G. Osteman Boston, MA
    Work-support for bottom cutter-heads of wood-planers Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA  
874,355 Dec. 17, 1907 Knife-jointer for the bottom cutter-heads of wood-planers Carl G. Osteman Boston, MA
    Knife-jointer for the bottom cutter-heads of wood-planers Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA  
905,051 Nov. 24, 1908 Side-head jointer for planer Carl G. Osteman Dorchester, MA This patent date was seen on an S. A. Woods 134M molder.
    Side-head jointer for planer Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, MA  
920,904 May. 11, 1909 Planer for narrow work Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, MA
RE12,986 Jul. 13, 1909 Wood-planer for narrow work Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, MA
944,010 Dec. 21, 1909 Truing device for truing shaped cutters in running cutter-heads Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA Patent date seen on S. A. Woods' 134M molder.
953,814 Apr. 05, 1910 Work-feeding apparatus for wood-planing machines Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, MA
954,712 Apr. 12, 1910 Cutter-head setting and gaging device and stand Carl G. Osteman Boston, MA
    Cutter-head setting and gaging device and stand Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA  
989,480 Apr. 11, 1911 Beading mechanism for wood-planers Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
1,011,107 Dec. 05, 1911 Cutter-head for planers Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
1,041,234 Oct. 15, 1912 Automatic Feeding Table Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, Suffolk County, MA George L. Maxwell - patent attorney
This invention relates to feeding mechanism for advancing pieces of stock in a continuous line to a machine, for operating, thereon and, while having other, and more general fields of usefulness, is especially designed to cooperate with a planer or like machine to automatically feed a continuous line of boards or other steely to the machine. A principal object of the invention is to provide a mechanism adapted to receive boards or other stock supplied therein irregularly, for example, in intermittent) bunches or carelessly, and to automatically take the boards one by one and feed them in proper alignment to the planing mechanism, with the forward end of each board always abutting against, the rear end of the preceding one so that an uninterrupted line to the planer heads is maintained. The invention provides means to insure that only one board shall be advanced to the planer mechanism at once and adjustments are provided to accommodate beards or other stock of varying widths and thicknesses. In carrying out my invention I connect the automatic feeding mechanism for operation in timed relation to the planer and I preferably connect the driving connections so that the feed mechanism of the feeding table over runs the drive or receiving capacity of the planer, say about twenty per cent., so that the succession of boards being fed are always closely pressed and abutted, end to end as is requisite in the high speed planer operations now in common use.
1,099,880 Jun. 09, 1914 Matcher-head Lemuel C. Kendall Malden, MA
1,166,408 Dec. 28, 1915 Self-centering support for rotary heads Charles W. H. Blood Boston, MA
1,240,769 Sep. 18, 1917 Planing machine Carl G. Osteman Boston, MA
1,360,482 Nov. 30, 1920 Dynamo-electric machine John B. Wiard Lynn, MA The inventor, John B. Wiard, worked for H. C. Dodge, Inc., which was purchased by woodworking machinery maker S. A. Woods Machine Co.
1,360,483 Nov. 30, 1920 Dynamo-electric machine John B. Wiard Lynn, MA "This invention relates to dynamo electric machines and more particularly to provisions for dissipating the heat in such machines by the introduction of cooling air."
This patent was subsequently improved in a patent, 1,679,457, that was assigned to H. C. Dodge, Inc. of Boston. Mr. H. C. Dodge was the president of woodworking machinery maker S. A. Woods Machine Co., and H. C. Dodge, Inc., was bought out by S. A. Woods Machine Co., and therefore this patent was used on motors for woodworking machinery. Patent 1,805,437 was co-invented by John B. Wiard and assigned to S. A. Woods Machine Co.
1,360,484 Nov. 30, 1920 Method of and apparatus for casting John B. Wiard Lynn, MA "This invention relates to methods of and apparatus for casting articles and more particularly, though not exclusively, to the casting of squirrel-cage windings for the armatures of induction motors."
The inventor worked for motor maker H. C. Dodge, Inc., and later for woodworking machinery (and motor) maker S. A. Woods Machine Co.
1,404,402 Jan. 24, 1922 Chip breaker for woodworking machines Carl G. Osteman Boston, MA
1,406,470 Feb. 14, 1922 Side-leg construction for matchers and the like Louis T. Medholdt Winthrop, MA
1,407,112 Feb. 21, 1922 Woodworking machine Percy H. Young Dorchester, MA This patent number was seen on an S. A. Woods 807M-2d Pencil Machine.
1,414,618 May. 02, 1922 Side head construction for matchers and the like Carl G. Osteman Boston, MA
    Side head construction for matchers and the like Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, MA  
1,456,864 May. 29, 1923 Side-head construction for matchers and the like Carl G. Osteman Boston, MA
    Side-head construction for matchers and the like Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, MA  
1,479,636 Jan. 01, 1924 Dynamo-electric machine John B. Wiard Lynn, MA The inventor worked for motor maker H. C. Dodge, Inc., and later for woodworking machinery (and motor) maker S. A. Woods Machine Co.
1,499,094 Jun. 24, 1924 Method of grinding cutters Charles W. H. Blood Winthrop, MA
    Method of grinding cutters Louis T. Medholdt Winthrop, MA  
1,500,523 Jul. 08, 1924 Bearing Carl G. Osteman Boston, MA
1,552,001 Sep. 01, 1925 Cutter-grinding device Lewis B. Carlson Boston, MA
    Cutter-grinding device Louis T. Medholdt Rockford, IL  
1,638,652 Aug. 09, 1927 Woodworking machine Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA
1,641,114 Aug. 30, 1927 Radial setting gauge Lewis B. Carlson Boston, MA An improvement to patent 846,723.
1,679,457 Aug. 07, 1928 Dynamo-electric machine John B. Wiard Lynn, MA "This invention relates to dynamo electric machines and more particularly to improvements designed to dissipate the heat arising from internal losses in such machine. The invention has for its object the provision of an effective cooling or ventilating system embodied in the machine itself in simple, compact form particularly, though not exclusively, intended for high speed direct-connected, induction motors where the constructional features render the ordinary methods of cooling impracticable... one embodiment of the invention in an alternating current motor of the induction type which is mounted on the frame of a wood-working machine directly connected to drive a working part thereof, such as the cutter head 5."
Harry C. Dodge was later the president of S. A. Woods Machine Co., and it is my hypothesis that he started as a motor manufacturer with his own firm and was subsequently bought out by S. A. Woods Machine Co. S. A. Woods became well known for their very high quality motor, including direct-machine-drive applications as described in this patent. This patent is an improvement on the inventor's earlier patent 1,360,483.
1,681,793 Aug. 21, 1928 Flexible coupling Amos P. Steiner Waynesboro, PA This flexible coupling consists of a pair of plates, each with a circle of pins, so that the circle of one set of pins fits completely within the circle of pins on the other plate. Then a rubber or leather band is snaked sinusoidally around the pins, providing the flexible coupling between the plates. This invention has been seen on various woodworking machines, and has also been seen in a catalog from the S. A. Woods Machine Co., labeled as the Woods Flexible Coupling.
1,704,677 Mar. 05, 1929 Feed mechanism for molders and the like Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA Patent number seen on S. A. Woods molder in 1957 "Canadian Woodworker" ad.
1,730,841 Oct. 08, 1929 Feed for woodworking machines Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA This hopper feed was an available option for S. A. Woods's 137M molder.
327,923 Apr. 17, 1930 Improvements in and relating to wood-working machines Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA
1,773,712 Aug. 19, 1930 Apparatus for controlling electric motors John B. Wiard Lynn, MA "This invention relates to apparatus for co-ordinately controlling the starting of different motors of a group so as to automatically prevent the operation of some one or more motors, or of devices driven thereby, during the period that one or more other motors of the group are being started and brought up to speed... As a specific illustration of such a case there may be instanced the use of motors in a wood-working machine where one motor is employed for driving the feed mechanism and a number of other motors used for driving the cutting devices which cut or shape the work when the latter is fed within their working range."
The inventor worked for motor maker H. C. Dodge, Inc., and later for woodworking machinery (and motor) maker S. A. Woods Machine Co.
1,796,186 Mar. 10, 1931 Chip breaker Laurence E. Blood Newton, MA
    Chip breaker Percy H. Young Quincy, MA  
1,800,175 Apr. 07, 1931 Traveling-bed feed for wood planers Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA
1,801,244 Apr. 14, 1931 Machine for producing wooden blocks Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA
1,805,437 May. 12, 1931 Wood planing machine John B. Wiard Brookline, MA
    Wood planing machine Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA  
312,892 Jun. 30, 1931 Feed mechanism for moulders, etc. Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA This is the Canadian equivalent of US patent 1,704,677.
356,562 Sep. 10, 1931 Improvements in and relating to feeding devices for use in wood working machinery Laurence E. Blood Newton, MA
324,212 Jul. 12, 1932 Travelling bed feed for wood planers Laurence E. Blood Boston, MA This is the Canadian equivalent of US patent 1,800,175.
1,966,379 Jul. 10, 1934 Socket fixture George H. Nobbs Carlisle, MA Of interest because inventor and assignee Dodge was the president of S. A. Woods & Co., an important maker of woodworking machinery. According to a relative, Dodge is believed to have maintained a residence in Florida.
    Socket fixture Harry C. Dodge Jacksonville, FL  
2,055,401 Sep. 22, 1936 Production of wooden rods Lewis B. Carlson Milton, MA
2,102,175 Dec. 14, 1937 Molder Laurence E. Blood Newton, MA
2,552,367 May. 08, 1951 Feed mechanism for wood-planing machines Lewis B. Carlson Boston, MA
2,725,084 Nov. 29, 1955 Wood-planing machine with angularly disposed cutterheads Lewis B. Carlson Milton, MA
529,782 Aug. 28, 1956 Wood planing machine with angularly disposed cutterheads Lewis B. Carlson Milton, MA This is the Canadian equivalent of US patent 2,725,084.
2,859,780 Nov. 11, 1958 Wood planing machine having means responsive to thickness variations in work pieces for automatically adjusting a cutterhead Lewis B. Carlson Milton, MA
601,246 Jul. 05, 1960 Wood planing machine Lewis B. Carlson Milton, MA