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Manufacturers Index - Unishear Co., Inc.
This page contains information on patents issued to this manufacturer.

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USPTO = U.S. Patent Office . Images of the actual patent can be viewed on the U.S. Patent Office web site but a special TIFF viewer must be installed with your browser in order properly work. More information on how to configure your computer to view these patents can be found at TIFF image Viewers for Patent Images.
DATAMP = Directory of American Tool And Machinery Patents . A sister site to VintageMachinery.org with information on patents related to machinery and tools. A much easier user interface than the USPTO's for finding information on machinery patents.

Patent Number Date Title Name City Description
1,322,099 Nov. 18, 1919 Shears George O. Leopold Philadelphia, PA This shear is "particularly adapted for cutting brake linings". This patent date was seen on a Model A-10 shear from Unishear Co., Inc.; the shear is a good match to the patent drawing except that it is a motor-powered shear where the drawing shows a hand lever providing power.
    Shears Thomas J. Fegley Philadelphia, PA  
1,493,171 May. 06, 1924 Shears François Alexis Henri Deschâtres , France The 1940 lawsuit, Stanley Works v. C. S. Mersick Co., tells us that the American rights to this patent were owned by the Stanley Works, which inherited them when they acquired Unishear Co., Inc. See this patent's reissue for more information.
The original French manufacturer of this invention was "Achard et Cie" according to that Stanley Works v. Mersick lawsuit. Early machines sold by Unishear were manufactured by Achard et Cie in France, but deliveries were erratic and they began selling their Model A-14 which was manufactured for them in the US, by an unknown manufacturer. Gueneau, the owner of this patent, sued for infringement but a settlement was quickly reached that allowed Unishear to continue making and selling the A-14. The application for reissue was filed the day after that settlement was signed; the reissue was made to broaden the original claims.
    Shears Huber Gaston Raphael Vulliet , France  
293,620 Oct. 01, 1929 Portable shears Gustave Adolphe Ungar Pelham Manor, NY This patent is the Canadian equivalent of US Patent 1,848,147; see that patent for more information. This Canadian patent number along with its US equivalent and others, were listed on a Stanley Unishear.
1,765,317 Jun. 17, 1930 Cutting blade for shears Gustave A. Ungar Pelham Manor, NY This patent was mentioned in passing in the 1940 lawsuit, Stanley Works v. C. S. Mersick Co., as having been withdrawn shortly before the lawsuit was filed. This patent number, along with patent numbers 17,139 and 1,796,812, was seen on a Stanley Unishear.
1,765,313 Jun. 17, 1930 Portable shears Gustave A. Ungar Pelham Manor, NY
    Portable shears Ulrich F. L. Steindorff New York, NY  
1,796,812 Mar. 17, 1931 Shears Herbert J. Heller New York, NY The 1940 lawsuit, Stanley Works v. C. S. Mersick Co., tells us that the U.S. rights to this patent were owned by the Stanley Works. This patent number, as well as patent numbers 1,765,317 and 17,139, were seen on a Stanley No. 16A Unishear. The inventor had been one of the principals of Unishear Co., Inc., which in late 1929 was acquired by Stanley Electric Tool Co., a newly formed subsidiary of The Stanley Works. It seems likely that this patent was also used by Unishear.
    Shears Ulrich F. L. Steindorff New York, NY  
1,843,655 Feb. 02, 1932 Cutting shear Gustave A. Ungar Pelham Manor, NY This patent was mentioned in passing in the 1940 lawsuit, Stanley Works v. C. S. Mersick Co., as having been withdrawn shortly before the lawsuit was filed.
1,848,147 Mar. 08, 1932 Portable shears Gustave A. Ungar Pelham Manor, NY This patent was mentioned in the 1940 lawsuit, Stanley Works v. C. S. Mersick Co. See also Canada patent 296,320.
1,848,145 Mar. 08, 1932 Power driven shears Gustave A. Ungar Pelham Manor, NY
    Power driven shears Ulrich F. L. Steindorff New York, NY  
326,991 Oct. 18, 1932 Power driven cutting shears Gustave Adolphe Ungar Pelham Manor, NY This is the Canadian equivalent of U.S. patent 1,843,655; see that patent for more information.