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Manufactured By:
Zenith Gas Engine & Power Co.
San Francisco, CA

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Title: 1895 Article-Zenith Gas Engine & Power Co., Gas Engine
Source: Industry Magazine, Jun 1895, pg. 340
Insert Date: 12/13/2012 9:16:15 AM

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San Francisco has already become famous for the construction of gas engines. or as we may say, the use of these engines has spread more rapidly on this Coast than in any other part of the United States, or comparing on the basis of population, more extensively than in any other part of the world, not excepting even Germany, where such engines originated and have been very widely applied. The latest design that has come to notice, is that of the company above named, and is shown by the views on the opposite page, the side view indicating the proportions and arrangement, and the end view an engine provided with a "carburetor" for gasoline that has now been abandoned for a new patent injector, by means of which the oil or fuel is supplied as a liquid, and vaporized in the combustion chamber of the engine. The design shows careful working out for an engine of this type. We notice among the novel points. complete enclosure of the crank and connection, so as to attain “ saturated " lubrication of the piston and all running joints, also an adjustable " timing” device, by means of which the position of ignition or ?ring the charge is at complete control while the engine is in motion. This is a subject respecting which there exists quite a difference of opinion, indicating a variation of the conditions under which an engine is working, and the advantage of an adjustable "timing" device is that it admits at any time of demonstrating the most advantageous point of ignition, which we imagine varies with the nature of the fuel. or the rapidity with which it burns, explosion being slower with attenuated or diluted gas, than when it is richer or more heavily charged with carbon. The consumption of fuel is given at one pint per horse power per hour of 74° gasoline, which is far below the possibilities of steam power, in this part of the world at least. We are informed that in a test of one of these engines made recently at, Prof. Price's laboratory, in this City, the consumption of gas was only 18 cubic feet per horse power per hour. The test was made by Engineers Rolfson and Behr, of this City, with an engine of 5½ horse power, operated at 6 horse power under the brake. There are design and other patents on the engines, and the manufacture is an important addition to the industry here.
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1895 Article-Zenith Gas Engine & Power Co., Gas Engine
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1895 Article-Zenith Gas Engine & Power Co., Gas Engine (Front View)
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